​​Luann K. Hassan, M.D.
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Infertility
Office: 817-972-1249
Trained Surgeon with Davinci Robotics
For Patients
Useful Links
​Health Plans
​BlueCross BlueSheild
​Cigna International
Private Healthcare Systems
United Health Care

​Medical services are provided and billed by Dr. Luann Hassan MD PA. We participate in most insurance plans in the region. Listed above are some of the health plans which we currently participate. Please be aware that with any health plans, there may be deductibles and co-payments for which you could be responsible.​​
Payment Policy
Payment is due at the time services are rendered. If you have insurance, your co-pay and or coinsurance/deductible is due at the time of service. We accept all major credit cards, personal checks and cash payments.
Obstetrics Patient Resources
ACOG provides a wealth of information on women's heath, pregnancy, labor, postpartum care, etc.